This Machine Kills Fascists: Anti-fascist discount for Introductory Poetry class!
During World War 2, machinists making munitions that were going towards the war effort put placards on their die-stampers, lathes, drill-presses, mills and welders that read: "This Machine Kills Fascists."
Woody Gutherie famously repurposed those signs by putting the same placard on his guitar signaling that his art and music was a poetic response to the times.
I've been confounded, vexed, and (for the moment) more frightened than personally hurt by the alacrity of this most recent and potent form of the sweep of fascism in the United States and the way it is ricocheting around the globe. The steady thrum sucks up attention and capacity from those in the wake.
I can't stop what is rolling out, but I can maybe respond in a small way by gathering an illustrious assembly of ordinary people - like myself and maybe like you - with a taste for beauty on the tongue. Let's add this to the ecology of the time that seems gasping and gulping for beautymaking.
But I want to add an Anti-fascist discount for those who are feeling wobbly right now. The course is normally $300 for three poems over four weeks but for this round, at least, the course is Pay What You Like.
same introductory class as ever. Online
Tuesdays at 3pm eastern
February 25th, March 4th, March 11th, March 18th
Thursdays at 7pm eastern
February 27th, March 6th, March 13th, March 20th
The full description of the course is here
Email me at for questions or to register!